A well needed break.

After what was possibly one of the most challenging academic years of my entire life, I have really been looking forward to the summer holidays; to spend time with my friends and family. My blog kind of became a little neglected, because quite frankly, I had various deadlines to meet and my radio shows to organise, all while maintaining a social life and going away with my family. I feel like finally, I have managed to be on top of everything! So now, I can do things I have been wanting to do for a while, but just not had enough time for.
Sometimes, you just need a break. After going away for a week with my family in July and then again in August, I felt refreshed and energised, ready to tackle things I had been putting off for a while and it gave me that little bit of motivation I needed. To be able to not have to do any writing, or plan for a radio show, was actually really nice (as much as I love it!!!). But now I am back to reality; writing, planning radio shows (my next one is this coming Wednesday, 24th August 2016, 1-4pm on Erewash Sound 96.8FM). I absolutely love being on the radio and I am always very grateful for anyone who listens in to my shows, it really means a lot so thank you if you do! Also, feel free to get in contact when I am on air, as it makes my shows more exciting and filling when people do.
It's also been really lovely to catch up with my friends as well, especially those who are off to University in September, or those I don't see very often, as well as my friends who I usually spend every day with at college. I'm looking forward to seeing more of my friends this summer too, before our lives get waaaay too busy again. I'm definitely trying to make the most of the rest of the summer!
So there's a little update on what I have been getting up to recently. I do plan to blog weekly if I can, but I don't want to put too much pressure on myself, when this is an important time to recharge my batteries before I return to college in September.
Thank you for reading this very random post, there should be another one shortly.
With love always
 Emma ♡ x 
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